3月20日:patrice quinton/ yves roberts-k8凯发官方网

 3月20日:patrice quinton/ yves roberts-k8凯发官方网
3月20日:patrice quinton/ yves roberts
发布时间:2019-03-15 浏览量:2070

报告一:patrice quinton


报告题目:unplugged computer science. an example from parallel computing
报告人:   prof. patrice quinton,
ens rennes
报告时间:2019年3月20日 周三13:30


teaching computer science without a computer — also called,  unplugged computer science, — is an interesting approach to let people understand what an algorithm is, and what kind of problems we face as a computer scientist. in this short seminar, i’ll present some of the ideas behind unplugged computer science, and i’ll let the attendants practice an example related to parallel computing.



patrice quinton is professor emeritus in computer science at ecole normale supérieure de rennes, france. formerly president of ens rennes, he graduated in 1972 from ensimag in grenoble, and obtained a phd degree in computer science from the university of rennes 1 in 1980. his scientific interests are parallel computing and parallel architectures, in particular, the synthesis of parallel program using the polyhedral model of loops.


报告二:yves robert


报告题目:scheduling independent stochastic tasks
报告人:    prof.yves robert,
ens lyon
报告时间:2019年3月20日  周三13:30


we discuss scheduling strategies for the problem of maximizing the expected number of tasks that can be executed on a cloud platform within a given budget and under a deadline constraint. the execution times of tasks follow iid probability laws. the main question is to decide whether and when to interrupt tasks that have been executing for some time.



yves robert 是里昂高师教授(professor, ecole normale supérieure de lyon),ieee会士(fellow of the ieee),在系统可靠性与高性能计算方面开展了多年的研究工作,在ieee trans. computers、ieee trans. parallel distributed systems等期刊发表论文158篇,在国际会议发表论文253篇,并在多个国际会议上作主题演讲(keynote)。目前的研究工作包括:多准则工作流调度、多核系统容错算法、随机调度等。

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