报告题目: emergent properties of vesicle systems 囊泡的性能与应用
报告人: prof.peter walde 苏黎世联邦理工学院
主持人: 四方哲也 教授
报告时间:2019年3月28日 周四9:30-11:00
mmicelles and vesicles formed from amphiphiles in aqueous solution have properties which emerge from the assembly of the amphiphiles [1]. compared to micelles with their hydrophobic interior, vesicles have an aqueous internal volume which is separated from the bulk aqueous solution by a semi-permeable membrane formed by the amphiphiles. since this compartment property is one of the key features of all biological cells, vesicular structures may have played important roles as protocellular precursor systems of the first cells at the origin of life. in terms of applications, vesicles from amphiphilic lipids (liposomes) are investigated for pharmaceutical applications, e.g. as drug delivery systems. less studied are vesicles as additives for promoting chemical reactions in aqueous media [2]. in this case, the soft and dynamic vesicle membrane provides a reaction environment which differs from the bulk aqueous solution and with this may alter reaction kinetics and reaction pathways.
[1] walde, p.; umakoshi, h.; stano, p.; mavelli, f. (2014) chem. commun. 50, 10177-10197.
[2] serrano-luginbühl, s.; ruiz-mirazo, k.; ostaszewski, r.; gallou, f.; walde, p. (2018) nat. rev. chem. 2, 306-327.
peter walde毕业于苏黎世联邦理工学院,后被聘为苏黎世联邦理工学院教授,长期从事胶体酶学、聚合物与蛋白偶联等领域研究,对囊泡、脂质体、酶促聚合反应和聚合物与蛋白偶联等领域有深厚的基础知识积累。在国际上,特别是在囊泡的基础性能与应用上,有很高的威望。研究方向以囊泡为模板和隔室的酶促聚合反应;树枝聚合物与蛋白酶的偶联与分析应用.其学术论文发表在nature nanotechnology, nature reviews chemistry, journal of the american chemical society, acs catalyst等期刊。