- the 2017 committee meeting of the moe international joint la...
- the opening ceremony of the international summer school &quo...
- the software engineering first-class discipline construction...
- officer from dublin city university visited the school of co...
- professor from la trobe university visited the school of com...
- dublin city university, ireland visited the school of comput...
- ecnu foreign expert jean-raymond abrial won the internationa...
- 2016 seminar on cryptography theory successfully held in ecn...
- the third cryptography and security forward-looking forum su...
- the university of north dakota delegation visited our school
- prof. ridha khedri of mcmaster university was invited to our...
- the 10th tase2016 international conference successfully held
- the 2016 committee meeting of moe international joint lab of...
- hong kong institute of vocational education students visited...
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